Rehidrata-T Strawberry Gel

Out of stock
Rehidrata-T Gel
MUR 250.00




Composition per sachet of 62.50 Ml (mOsmol/L)
Sodium 57,00 mOsmol/L
Chloride 50,00 mOsmol/L
Potassium 20,00 mOsmol/L
Citrate 9,00   mOsmol/L
Glucose 80,00 mOsmol/L
Osmolarity 216,0 mOsmol/L



Nutritional information Per unit jellified tubular sachet
Carbohydrates of which are sugars (Glucose) 4.88 Kcal/20.72 KJ
Sodium Na+ 86.68 mg
Potassium K+ 57.42 mg
Chloride Cl- 111.54 mg
Sucralose 15.00 mg


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Rehidrata-T Strawberry Gel